Tik tok. The time is ticking. It's only 2 months left before my final exam day. I am not sure whether I am happy or sad that I finally graduating (Insya'allah). I think all feelings is jumble up. Gembira, bangga, sedih, anxious, excited, sayu, semuanya ada. Gembira and bangga sebab berjaya habiskan belajar. Sayu sebab akan tinggalkan kawan-kawan. Sedih sebab akan tinggalkan student life. Anxious kenapa eh? Haha.
I love student life very much. Its relaxing. Yelah. Kau duduk goyang kaki, maintankan CGPA, masuk new semester, sekepuk duit JPA bagi. Cuti pula paling lama 3 bulan. Dah kerja mana nak dapat semua ini. Duit kena usaha sendiri. Cuti kena apply. Nak lama-lama nanti kerja tertangguh bertimbun pula. Kan dah susah itu. Tapi takkan lah kita nak hidup di takuk lama kan? Mestilah kena move on.
But honestly, I still don't know what should I do after I graduate. Either further my study or start working. Sometimes rasa nak further study but sometimes rasa nak kerja dulu.
So, I ask my siblings. But the respond that I get from my siblings, semuanya suruh kerja dengan diorang. -_-" Even my first brother said that he need an accountant in the company that he work. But, because I will be graduating in May, so dia rasa dah lambat sangat. Tak jadi nak hire. Haha.
While some of my friends have started apply for a job. As for me, I still thinks its early. Kalau bukan sebab Careerpath 2010 hari itu, I am sure my resume will not be updated.
There are some reasons why I feel it's still early for me to apply for a job. But I am pretty sure for some people, it's late already. Entahlah. I just feel that I need a rest after my final exam date. Lagipon, my brother ask me and my younger sister to join his backpacking trip somehow in May. It's sooo tempting and I feel like joining him.
Then in June is my cousin's wedding. In between the wedding (antara rumah lelaki and rumah perempuan), there is a week gap. My aunt invite us (me and my sister) to go to Redang Island. Which is tempting as well (walaupon dah pernah pergi last year. But Redang is sooooo beautiful and heavenlike. Its too hard to resist.) Some more, my aunt said that if my parents don't want to bring us there, she will sponsor the vacation. =) Kalau tak pergi Redang pula, my parents planning to go to Pulau Kapas or Perhentian. Haih. Ini pon best juga. I really love beaches!
Redang 2009
(Gambar ini memang betul-betul dalam air. Bukan superimpose ke apa. Kalau tak, camane boleh ada bubbles?)
So, if I apply for work now, then kena panggil interview, then katakanlah dapat, mana boleh nak buat semua benda ini. Plus I have to fill the SPA form first before applying for any jobs as I am a JPA scholers. Mama said that I already can fill the form now and have been pushing me to fill it. But the SPA people told me that its better to fill it after I get my final result. Tak tahu nak ikut yang mana satu but I think I will follow what the SPA person told me. (Saja tanak isi awal-awal. Haha)
P/s : Ma, nak further study kat UK boleh tak? Kalau tak boleh Australia pon jadilah.